The liberation
of investing
Good things happen when people can invest freely according to their life plans and values. New opportunities open up and become reality. But investors also need to be able to freely compare and choose between all available offers and providers. This is what ZWEI Wealth stands for.
Our mission
We are convinced that wealth management services need to improve significantly. We contribute to this goal by changing the rules applied to banks, wealth managers and their clients. Leading to more freedom for investors and less dependence. Resulting in a relationship between equals in which clients gain more control over their wealth and their lifetime investment goals take the spotlight. Resulting in more freedom of choice and competition. Resulting in more transparency and accountability, with service providers being held responsible to the promises they make. Resulting in a sustainable wealth management industry emphasising its professional virtues and regaining people’s trust.
We take the traditional relationship between banks, wealth managers and clients, which is anchored entirely in good faith, and replace it with a modern system of transparency. A new system with new rules, new tools and new consultants. A system enabling customers to use all available means to critically assess their wealth managers, and which rewards providers for good wealth management services. The essential pre-requisite here is that, in all of our services, our only obligation is to the client. Since we do not manage any assets and do not receive any kind of compensation from banks or wealth managers, we are completely independent when making recommendations. Our solutions are all based on objective data about the performance and the quality of providers, and have a scientific basis. We always convey our communication in person and in a way easy to understand.
We provide investors with the certainty of establishing the best possible wealth management for them and of putting it into the hands of the right providers. We ensure that the banks and wealth managers act in a team-oriented way to achieve good performance at low costs, in line with client’s interest over the long term. Our modular services plan.find.control. help us to reach these goals. We work with the clients to align everything to their individual needs, from the architecture of investments (plan.), to defining an individual catalogue of requirements and systematically selecting the right partner (find.), to monitoring and steering activities and identifying optimisation potential (control.).