ZWEI Wealth – Independence
Wealth management is among the least transparent industries. ZWEI Wealth makes it possible for the first time to significantly increase the transparency of services, offers and costs for investors and creates an environment in which investors have more information at their disposal than banks and asset managers. By doing so, ZWEI Wealth has established itself as a partner and independent authority for investors, banks and wealth managers alike.
The roots of ZWEI
In 2014, the original idea was to establish a consultancy for wealth management, completely independent of financial service providers and products. Over the years, an entire ecosystem has evolved which is constantly being developed and expanded further. Today, ZWEI Wealth is the largest independent ecosystem in wealth management. As per the initial principle, this ecosystem is completely independent of banks, asset managers and other providers.
Patrick Müller, CEO, Co-Founder, Senior Expert
Prof. Dr. Klaus W. Wellershoff, Chairman of the Board
The ZWEI Wealth network
ZWEI Wealth Experts AG is the legal entity and owner of the ZWEI Wealth ecosystem. Affiliated consultants can operate through their own legal units in a franchise relationship, or as ZWEI employees. The shareholders of ZWEI Wealth Experts AG are exclusively its board members, employees and consultants.